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Cedric Chee's Wiki

Work-In-Progress (WIP).

Hello. Welcome to InfoWarehouse — a modern information "warehouse" in the form of a wiki.

This project is part of my Personal Knowledge Management (PKM).

The public wiki contains "raw materials" (resources) for writing. The resources and lists link to the original full-text source.

I am sharing them in the hope that they would be useful to you as well.

What kinds of contents

The initial content in this wiki was migrated from My Knowledge Wiki (GitBook):

  • Notes from courses (educational materials) that I've study. (mostly for and Coursera)
  • Notes on various programming (technical) topics.
  • Notes from books and other interesting things that I've read.

[WIP] This wiki also aggregates some of my lists:

User Guide

  • The order of items in sidebar is alphabetical except notes from courses.
  • I will rearrange and rename at any time with no notice.
  • This is a public wiki - Terms of use: [TODO]

Information workflow

I design my note taking system based on a few ideas. One of them is progressive summarization1.

I "capture" information from a wide variety of sources into Shiori (a bookmarks manager). Next, I move selected bookmarks to InfoWarehouse.

The 5 layers of summarization2:

  • 0: Original full-text source, raw information (i.e.: books, articles, papers, references)
  • 1: Notes (i.e.: notes from projects that I've work on, notes from interesting things that I've read)
  • 2: Highlighted passages
  • 3: Bold passages
  • 4: Mini summary (i.e.: notes from books I've read)
  • 5: Remix (i.e.: writings, blog posts, micro posts/Tweets)

InfoWarehouse is in layer 0.

Once the raw info is processed, it will flow to my digital garden3 (built with Obsidian).

Digital Garden

Layer 1 to 4 is in my digital garden available on (WIP).

I document everything I know and learn so far about the world in the form of a digital garden.

I also want to remember more of what I read, so I take notes to share compressed wisdom.

How to use the wiki effectively?

In the right corner, you can make searches for what content I have already indexed or you can simply explore the tree view to the left.

Other things I wrote and shared

I share my knowledge in a longer form by writing articles. I also love writing code and share it all on GitHub. You can find all the things I have made and shared thus far here.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

— Ben Franklin


If you found a mistake anywhere in this wiki, I would really appreciate your help. You can quickly find any entry you wish to edit by searching for the topic and then making the changes.